• Alpenglühen - Theatre Production in Grindelwald
  • Alpenglühen - Theatre Production in Grindelwald

    Sports and Cultural Events

    Jungfrau Railway supports local projects and thus contributes to strengthening the regional appeal on which its internationally attractive tourism offer is based. The Lauberhorn Race, the Jungfrau Marathon and the SnowpenAir concert on Kleine Scheidegg are all major regional events that are supported or produced independently. In addition, Jungfrau Railway provides money and resources for many small and medium-sized sporting, traditional and cultural events. One of the events to receive support in 2019 was the unique open-air theatre production Alpenglühen in Grindelwald, which ultimately became a surprisingly big success.

    Jungfrau Railways supported the theatre project Alpenglühen because it showcases our unique mountain world in an innovative way. Tourism has shaped our region like no other and will maintain its significance in the future.

    Urs Kessler, CEO Jungfrau Railways

    Sustainable Tourism Development

    In the course of the planning and objection process for the V-Cableway, the people of Grindelwald discussed the tourist future of the village in depth. In a memorable community meeting at the ice hockey stadium on 24 October 2014, they approved the major project by a large majority.

    The population of Grindelwald backed the construction of the Cableway and thus an important step in the tourist development of the valley.

    The population of Grindelwald backed the construction of the Cableway and thus an important step in the tourist development of the valley.

    Almost five years after the vote on the V-Cableway, the Alpenglühen theatre production has brought the debate on the sustainable development of the valley to the stage as a parody: unleashed developer John Henry Plunch-Lee confronts the mayor with his vision of limitless growth. The resurrected pastor Gottfried Strasser presents the issue to the village youth for comment. The young people oppose Plunch Lee’s plans and articulate the socio-cultural needs of Grindelwald’s future generations.

    With Alpenglühen we say YES to the valley of Grindelwald and to life in the Alps by showing where we come from and where we want to go. All this with a cheerful but also contemplative theatre production in which the whole valley participates. A new and original way to look reality square in the face and take up the challenge.

    Christine Häsler, Councillor of the Canton of Bern, Grindelwald

    The Voice of Youth and Jungfrau Railways Mission Statement

    In the theatre production Alpenglühen, young people put their vision of regional sustainability into words. What is presented there in a playful way is also reflected in Jungfrau Railways’ mission statement: «A unique landscape designated by UNESCO as a world heritage site forms the most important basis of our business activities. For us, an intact landscape and the protection of plants and animals are of central importance. We respect the environmentally relevant laws and regulations and are constantly improving our services to ensure a favourable ecological balance.» (Attitude towards the environment, mission statement no. 9) «We are aware of our embeddedness in the region and interconnection with other tourism service providers. Commitment to tourism policy and the further development of the Jungfrau Region are important to us». (Tourism policy, mission statement point 10).

    Plunch-Lee and his assistant:   
    Nüü Horäison Ägency macht us däm schlappe Dorf ä gäili Deschtination! D Agentur überloht nüüt äm Zuefall u baut Firscht a Firscht vo dä Chliine zur Grosse Schäidegg, nüüt äm Wättercasino, nüüt är unberächebare Natur! Expansion – wänn nöd Explosion! Wänn d’ Natur nöd wäiss was si z’tue hed, muess dä Mönsch dä Fall übernäh. Alles machbar, alles möglech …

    The New Horizon Agency will turn this run-down village into a hot destination! The agency will leave nothing to chance and build from the minor summit of the First and from Kleine to Grosse Scheidegg, [leaving] nothing to the vagaries of the weather, [leaving] nothing to the unpredictable forces of nature! Expansion – or even explosion! If nature does not know what to do, humanity must take over. Anything is achievable, anything is possible...


    Plunch-Lee, Head of the New Horizon Agency, and his assistant come up with an uncompromising plan... (photo by Patrick Schmed/Jungfrau Zeitung)

    Plunch-Lee, Head of the New Horizon Agency, and his assistant come up with an uncompromising plan... (photo by Patrick Schmed/Jungfrau Zeitung)

    The youth of Grindelwald:  
    Heid iher das gkeehrd? Mier wein das nid! Mier, d Verträter vo’r Jugend, stellen eech Fordrigi. Was iehr hiit entscheidid u machid hed Üswirkigi uf moren. Mier wein äs läbigs Tal un ä gsundi Natur. D Gletscher sin nid Schnee va’ Geschter, si zeigen im Tal was in dr Wält passiert.     Mier wei [o kinftig] schiifahre, snöbe, dir z Glitzere vom frische Schnee loifen, Spure finden von ächten Schneehiender, ächte Schneehasen, vo Gemschinen u Reh, u wärum nid plezli vomenen Bär – är ischtd im Kantonswappen iigschperrd.

    Did you hear us? We don’t want this! We, representing young people, are making demands on you. What you decide and do today impacts tomorrow. We want a living valley and a healthy countryside. Glaciers are not a thing of the past. There in the valley, they illustrate what happens in the world. We want [also in the future] to ski, snowboard, walk through the sparkle of fresh snow, find traces of real snow grouse, real snow hares, chamois and deer and why not suddenly a bear – trapped as he is in the cantonal coat of arms.

    The youth of Grindelwald are opposed. (photo by Patrick Schmed/Jungfrau Zeitung)

    The youth of Grindelwald are opposed. (photo by Patrick Schmed/Jungfrau Zeitung)

    In its vision, Jungfraubahn Holding AG makes an explicit commitment to act sustainably. The mission statement reads as follows:

    «As the leading tourism company in Switzerland and the largest mountain railway group, the Jungfrau Railway Group is developing as an integrated leisure and service company. At the same time, it focuses on

    • its entrepreneurial tradition of more than 120 years,
    • with the vision of its founder to make the unique Alpine landscape accessible to the wider population and international tourists,
    • its sound foundation in the Jungfrau Region,
    • its brand, service and technical competence developed over generations.

    It is the driving force behind the economic development of the Jungfrau Region and alpine tourism in Switzerland. It thus makes a significant contribution to the strengthening of this region. It takes into account the interests of the region and its residents, encourages its employees and looks after nature, which is an important resource for the development of the region as well as for Jungfrau Railways. It should be preserved and accessible to future generations in keeping with the founder’s vision. A prerequisite for this is to maintain economic independence and increase attractiveness for investors. The Jungfrau Railway Group attaches great importance to sustainability».

    It was a beautiful sunset. Outside on the terrace, my mother took my hand and said to me: «Look what a beautiful home the Lord has given you.» For the first time «my mountains» glowed consciously in my heart.

    Martin Konzett, President of the Jungfrau Theatre Association, Grindelwald