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1 January to 31 December

CHF (thousands)Note20162015
Annual profit30,90236,211
Minority interests62274
Depreciation of tangible assets433,83331,459
Amortisation of intangible assets5914936
Change of provisions9269-472
Use of provisions90-2
Book profits from the sale of fixed assets-28-31
Results from associated companies33
Badwill from the acquisition of subsidiary shares20-2,4400
Value adjustment of financial assets331
Other non-cash items [1]1,2891,425
Cash flow before change in net current assets64,80769,804
Increase / decrease in receivables from deliveries and services1,444-1,239
Increase in other current receivables-2,129-2,214
Increase in inventories-14-91
Increase / decrease in accrued income920-289
Increase /decrease in liabilities from deliveries and services8,462-3,200
Increase / decrease in other short-term liabilities1,253-3,292
Decrease/increase in deferred income-6,2243,777
Cash flow from operating activities68,51963,256
Investments in tangible assets4-44,610-55,189
Investments in financial assets3-3,980-2,032
Investments in intangible assets5-3,303-1,347
Divestment of tangible assets642721
Divestment of financial assets84334
Cash flow from investing activities-50,408-57,813
Free cash flow18,1115,443
Increase in financial liabilities5,5095,952
Repayment of financial liabilities-740-740
Founding of Grindelwald Grund Infrastruktur AG400
Purchase of minority shares-4180
Investment in own shares incl. transaction costs-1,954-1,518
Divestment of own shares886739
Transaction costs for divestment of own shares-4-3
Profit distribution to minority interests-23-21
Profit distribution to Jungfraubahn Holding AG-11,654-10,461
Cash flow from financing activities-8,358-6,052
Change in liquid assets9,753-609
Liquid funds 1 January49,08849,697
Liquid funds 31 December58,84149,088
Change in liquid assets9,753-609
[1] Equity compensation programme for administration board, management and employees