
2011 Consolidated Statement of Income 1 Semester 2011/2010



(in thousand CHF)

1. Semester 2011

 2. Semester 2010 


Operating revenue


Income from transport business

55'292 50'914 4'378


4'116 4'162 -46

Income from energy business

2'070 1'965 105

Souvenir shops

1'599 1'388 211

Catering & accommodation

461 503 -42

Rental income

2'800 2'624 176

Other income

5'324 5'712 -388

Total operating revenue

71'662 67'268 4'394

Operating expenses


Staff costs

-24'886 -24'592 -294

Purchase of energy

-1'449 -1'247 -202

Cost of goods sold

-681 -703 22

Other operating expenses

-18'818 -17'517 -1'301

Total operating expenses

-45'834 -44'059 -1'775

EBITDA25'828 23'209 2'619




Depreciation on tangible fixed assets

-11'447 -11'625 178

Depreciation on intangible assets

-284 -181 -103

Total depreciations

-11'731 -11'806 75


Operating Profit / EBIT

14'097 11'403 2'694


Financial income/expenses


Financial income

108 155 -47

Revenue from associated companies

62 93 -31

Financial expenses

-117 -113 -4

Total financial income/expenses

53 135 -82

Income before tax / EBT

14'150 11'538 2'612

Income taxes

-2'901 -2'388 -513

Income before minority interests

11'249 9'150 2'099

Minority interests

-87 -139 52

Net profit for the period

11'162 9'011 2'151
  • The unaudited consolidated half-yearly financial statement of Jungfraubahn Holding AG has been compiled in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER 12 professional recommendations on financial statements. The accounting principles applied are identical to those in the 2009 financial report.
  • Because of different offers, Jungfrau Railways business activity is not marked by any significant seasonal effects.
  • Up to approval of this half-yearly financial statement by the Jungfraubahn Holding AG Executive Board on 31st August 2011, no further occurrences were known which could result in an adjustment of the book values of Group assets and liabilities, or which must be disclosed at this point.